Taktsoft Campus Talents

Taktsoft Campus Talents

Taktsoft Campus Talents provides coding courses in a safe, encouraging
and open learning environment (located in Bonn). You can either take a course as a
Full Stack Developer or as a Frontend Developer for Web and Mobile Apps.
The duration of each course is 4 months, the last month is completely dedicated to your individual graduation project. Build the app you always dreamed of!

In order to enable the best possible job entry afterwards, a career coaching is
included in all our courses.

Potential employers will introduce themselves with presentations during the course and will visit the graduation event at the end of the project phase.

No prior coding experience is needed: All you need is talent and motivation!

  • Software Engineer in Full-stack Web

    Taktsoft Campus Talents

    Become a universal software engineer! This course will teach you how to develop interactive websites and web apps with state-of-the-art technologies. Furthermore you will program backends and databases to create complex software solutions.

    4 months
    Funding Options
    Funded by Agentur fur Arbeit or Jobcenter
    Upfront Payment
    motivation and commitment
    coming soon
    Career Coaching
    Laptop Provided
  • Software Engineer Frontend Web & Mobile App

    Taktsoft Campus Talents

    Become a frontend expert! This course will teach you how to develop interactive websites and mobile apps for iOS and Android phones with state-of-the-art technologies. The intense development training gets accompanied by UI/UX design lessons and a 2-day scrum master workshop.

    4 months
    Funding Options
    Funded by Agentur fur Arbeit or Jobcenter
    Upfront Payment
    motivation and commitment
    coming soon
    Career Coaching
    Laptop Provided